在幻變的生命裡, 歲月原是最大的小偷,很多事與物, 時間會沖洗得一乾二淨, 人類的記憶可以話最不可靠,但在漫長的生活裡面, 總會有些事情你永遠也不會忘記.這電影是講述六十年代,一個典型香港家庭如何奮鬥,面對困難的故事,現在這年代的人是不會有機會面對同接觸戲中一切的事與物,供月餅會,沒有internet,沒有iphone,沒有高清電視的年代,連電話也要問人借,天台小學,無屏風樓的山頂夜景,擔心颱風會吹走個家,這家人為保住屋頂而努力的年代,真是令人心酸.
Thanks mo & matt雪梨水and some DVD,you both always make me sweet.
Mo's comments:
我們3人是百忙抽空看12:20 a.m.場的...XD
It's a movie that made me cry n cry...feeling warm and sweet~ the 70s thing world is a total different world that I've never lived in ( we re the 80+)!! but somehow this movie gave me a strong feeling and I was still crying at the last moment of the film. I reli like the tough dad's character... n the intimacy of husband-wife, father -son, brothers, neighbours... nowadays really don't see such close moment, esp. like "sharing" family dinner with neighobours eating outdoors, with houses doors all opened...
love it a lot, a must watch movie, and better bring our parents!
1 則留言:
A+! still missing some parts of the film !!! :'(
the kid is amazing~